Congratulations on the start of an exciting journey for you and your family. Bringing a baby home can be one of the most exciting and nerve-racking experiences for any new parent. Infants come to us in a fragile, yet resilient state that becomes formed by the environment around them.
With sensitive skin and under-developed systems, babies can become greatly affected by the toxins around them and on their skin. Creating a nursery that is as toxin-free as possible and will give your child the healthy building blocks they need in order to start out on the right foot.
I created this book to provide a guide to new parents, grandparents and caretakers. In our modern society it is virtually impossible to remove every single toxin and create a TRULY organic space for our babies. However, the more steps you can take towards creating a healthy living space for your child, the happier and healthier they will be.
The world around us is full of toxic materials, harmful chemicals and polluted air and water. When your baby’s nursery is a sanctuary and healthy space, you give your baby’s body time to rest and heal from the outside world. Allowing anyone’s body a place that is free of toxins and chemicals allows their body to rejuvenate and repair.
Without a healthy nursery, the toxins will keep getting piled on and your infant won’t get the restorative time their body needs. This can result in sleeping problems, weakened immune system and other health issues.
My workshop will offer you tangible ways to make changes and improvements to your sweet baby’s nursery in order to create a healthy indoor environment they can thrive in. I encourage you NOT to feel overwhelmed with the information on toxins. Instead, take each change you can make as a step forward. Remember, there is no way you can remove EVERY toxin or every chemical or pollutant. But changing what you CAN change and what you have control over will help reduce the amount of exposure to your baby.
I’m excited for you to start this journey to create a healthy nursery and welcome your beautiful child to this incredible world.